
Sheikh-Lofollah Mosque: Outside to inside [11]

The source of light from previous post and a partial view of the dome. Posted by Picasa


Wolf said...

In this picture you have captured the beams of light perfectly!
Again great detail and color in this building. I'm sure that it would be something (special) to see with ones own eyes!

Marc said...

Wow. Just amazing tile work. The light beams streaming diffused through the window. The acoustics of the building and the tile must resonate perfectly. It must magnify the voices of the faithful in their prayers to God.

There is no artificial lighting in the mosque?

Mohammadreza Rahimzadeh said...

Thank you Wolf and Marc.
Yes I think you should see it with your own eyes Marc.
Whatever you see and listen or even think of in this place is in way magical. The senses seem to be limitless, it's as if they squeez the truth about the things, shapes, gestures, voices, etc. I really like this place.
There's no artificial light inside the mosque Marc.