
Upward we go

Upward we go | © M. Rahimzadeh


kitchu said...

you know i love this photo, and that it speaks to me on so many levels. i wish i could tell you of my day as i held the hand of a dying woman, who was my own age, as she took her last breaths- and how miraculous and peaceful it was, and how grueling and painful the grief was for her husband, and how there is nothing for that pain. nothing for it.

your words on my site today when i came home to them meant more to me than you can possibly know. worlds apart, and here in this small space, i am comforted by your words. i thank you for that from my heart.

Mohammadreza Rahimzadeh said...

Hearts can speak and more than that can listen to each other directly, then more effectively. Thank you so much.